Quad Adventure Bovec

Experience adventure in Bovec – Drive a quad to new discoveries!


We will close the 2024 season on 28.09.2024.

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Quad Adventure Bovec is your guide to adventure.
Our quad guided tour in Bovec will take you through some of Slovenia's most beautiful landscapes. Our expert guides will show you panoramic trails and off-road, while you enjoy an unforgettable experience in nature. Come and explore Bovec with us and discover the beauty of these thrilling paths! Best outdoor activities in Bovec
Try a Quad today become one of us. 

- Pilots must possess a valid B category driver's license.

- Minimum age for any passenger: 12+

- Each vehicle can carry up to 2 people, and the passenger always travels for free.

We do not require any advance payment for online bookings, you can pay on the day of your arrival. This gives you the freedom to change your plans without any fees.

Quad Tour Prices

  • Quad tour - 1 hour: 60€ per quad (VAT 22% included)
  • Quad Tour - 2 hours: 100€ per quad (VAT 22% included)

Note: Prices are per quad and include 22% VAT. Each quad can accommodate up to 2 people.

Change up your daily routine and embark on an unforgettable adventure in the Soča Valley with your colleagues or business partners. We've crafted team-building programs for exclusive groups, blending adrenaline, sports, socializing, and local cuisine.

Experience the beauty of nature while strengthening teamwork and cooperation during a quad biking excursion. This quad tour is tailored for closed groups and includes an initial briefing, driving tips, practical terrain sessions, and routes leading to waterfalls or the gorges of the Soča River.

The entire journey lasts approximately 2-2.5 hours.

 To conclude the adventure, we can reserve a table at a carefully selected local restaurant.
Darilni bon imageDarilni bon image

Predstavljamo vam darilne bone za stirikolesnik izlete v Bovcu, Slovenija!

Nezabavna izkušnja

Odkrijte divjo naravo Slovenije z 4kolesnik izletom v Bovcu. Občutite osupljive razglede Julijskih Alp, prečkajte reke in gorske potoke ter se preizkusite na neasfaltiranih poteh.

Naši izleti

Nudimo različne stirikolesnik izlete za vse potrebe. Izberite med enournim, dvournim ali štiriurnim izletom in si privoščite nepozabno izkušnjo v družbi izkušene vodičke.

Naši quadi

Naši quadi so novi in najnovejše generacije. Opremljeni so z vsem udobjem, ki je potrebno za varno in zabavno izkušnjo.

Naše cene

Darilni boni so na voljo že od 60 €. Izberite izlet po svojem okusu in podarite nepozabno izkušnjo tistemu, ki ga imate radi.

Kupite svoj darilni bon danes!

Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte na E-naslov info@quad-adventure-bovec.com

Odkrijte Slovenijo z stirikolesnik!

Tukaj je nekaj prednosti podaritev darilnega bona za stirikolesnik izlet v Bovcu:

  • Je edinstvena in nepozabna izkušnja
  • Je popolno darilo za ljubitelje narave in pustolovščin.
  • Je priložnost za preživljanje kakovostnega časa s tistimi, ki jih imate radi.
  • Kupite svoj darilni bon danes in podarite nepozabno izkušnjo!

  • VREDNOSTNI BON, v vrednosti izbranega zneska.
  • lahko izberete 2 ture: 
  • 1 urna tura s štirikolesniki, cena 60 €.    Cena vključuje 22% DDV
  • 2 urni tura s štirikolesniki, cena 100 €.  Cena vključuje 22% DDV
Postopek nakupa bona

Pošljite nam e-pošto in napišite izbrano aktivnost, enourna tura, dvourna tura, in število štirikolesnikov.
Na vašo e-pošto boste prejeli predračun za izbrano storitev. Po prejemu plačila, vam pošljemo darilni bon na vašo e-pošto.


plačilo darilnega bona je možno samo z nakazilom na TRR.

Splošne informacije

  • Vrednost bona ni izplačljiva v gotovini.
  • Bon ni prenosljiv.
  • Darilni bon velja do 15.9.2024

Pošiljanje darilnega bona

Po prejetem potrdilu o plačilu vam bon lahko pošljemo:
  • na elektronski naslov (v PDF ali JPG obliki)

Vaše osebne podatke bomo rabili le za interno uporabo in jih bomo varovali v skladu z zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.


Bovec is a picturesque little town in the Slovenian Julian Alps. To the world we are known as the adrenaline capital of Slovenia. Therefore, we are an ideal destination for all those who love active holidays. But, Bovec is much more than just sports.Let us take you on a tour around the valley. There are many magical places you shouldn’t miss. Check our list and read the interesting stories. We promise you an adventure full of crystal clear water, photogenic waterfalls and mysterious gorges. But also legends long hidden by the vail of time and historical events that have written our story. Then decide which ones you will visit when here.

bovska kotlina


Canyon where Soča river has the most magical colours.

Learn More
The Šunik water grove

The Šunik water grove

waterfalls and pools of lepenica river in šunikov vodni gaj slovenia Lepena Šunik Stream Circular forest trail along the stream of Lepenjica.

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Mangartsko sedlo (2055 m), Mangart Saddle (2055 m), Slovenia's Highest Panoramic Road

Mangartsko sedlo (2055 m), Mangart Saddle (2055 m), Slovenia's Highest Panoramic Road

6 giu 2023-Mangartsko Sedlo and a Multitude of Active Adventures. Mangart Saddle (2055 m), Slovenia's Highest Panoramic Road.

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Adventure Outdoor Activity Guide to Bovec: Rafting, Kayak, rent e-bike & tours, Zipline, and Quad tour

Bovec is known for its exciting outdoor activities in soča valley such as rafting on the Soča River, thrilling zipline adventures, rent e-bike & guided tour and scenic kayak trips. Don’t miss out on our exhilarating quad tours to complete your adventure experience."

Discover all the opportunities for fun and adrenaline that this beautiful Slovenian destination has to offer In the Soča Valley.

#sočaValley #ifeelslovenia #iloveslovenia

adventure tours Bovec, outdoor activities Bovec, Soča River adventures, Bovec rafting and kayaking, extreme sports Bovec, guided outdoor tours Bovec, adventure holidays Bovec, Soča Valley activities, Bovec adventure trips, Bovec sports excursions